Love, leadership, and risky business
My blog is an intimate way for me to share my unique struggles and lessons learned in my pursuit of love, leadership, and taking OWL the risks! Writing is a way for me to process OWL the information I take in each week, and an opportunity for me to share my expertise with OWL of you.
As an added bonus, it’s hoo-sterical and very pun-ey!

Get Right With Your Soul…
When I asked myself what musical message I would offer…I could not have been more surprised what random lyrics immediately drove right into my brain…

Happy 4th Birthday OWL!
Whooo knew an impulsive decision to launch a coaching business on January 26, 2020 would have led to the leadership quest of a lifetime—becoming (and loving) my authentic self. More importantly, getting paid for just BEing me!

The Gift of Narcissism
Are you a perfectionist? Always aiming to be better than you were yesterday? Congrats, you have the gift of Narcism! That’s right, even congratulating someone is simply a con you’ve created to elicit a particular feeling…

2024 Aspirations, Inspirations, + Limitations
If I were to sum up how my year kicked off, this Alanis Morissette song I wrote about myself feels just right…

The Intuitive Leader
How do you know what is intuition and what is the mind? More importantly, how do you use intuition to inform your decisions? And when?

Building Your Business by Human Design
The number one mistake I see new entrepreneurs make is creating complexity from the beginning. What if, you just built a business that didn’t include things you don’t want to do!?

My Life’s Work
My life’s work at its highest expressions, is all-knowing—omniscience—which is evident in my podcast introduction that includes the following ‘rules’ that are at the heart of my life’s work….

The Root of Inner Conflict
Until we wake up, we are not happy if we don’t suffer regularly. If you are suffering, remember to enjoy your suffering, as you are the one who created it.

My First Sound Bath Experience
Action speak louder than words—at some point during the sound bath, I no longer saw darkness while my eyes were closed. Instead I saw a bright, bright light, so bright it was yellow on the edges…

A Sneak Peek at my Tiny Book!
My Superpowers, according to my unique Human Design and Gene Keys, are vast and all-knowing, with the gift of disrupting things that need to shift and change for the better and liberate your inner truth along the way. Simply by being me, I empower people to love themselves and to follow their own unique path in life. I am enough–so are you.

30 Days of Forgiveness
This is your invitation to practice Forgiveness in a radically different, fun and (hopefully) funny way, that deepens your understanding of what I call your soul’s temperament—What your soul can tolerate, what it can not tolerate, and the gratitude your soul expresses each time you honor it
“Ugly Duckling”
This book is the message all women need to hear, whether they are launching their career, working through the messy middle, or ready to go out and soar on their own. You will feel seen, you will feel heard, and by the end you will be inspired to “pursue your desires, make the best decision for the moment you’re in, and live with no regrets.”
Witty & Wise in Tennessee
There’s something magical that happens when you shake up your environment, almost like it gives you permission to let go of your old stories and perceived failures, so that you can authentically own your strengths and successes.

Free your Mind and the Rest will Follow
What would it be like to free your mind from all that it currently knows and remove the ‘color-tinted glasses’ created by the brain’s fight or flight response in order to keep you ‘safe’ from danger?

This line comes with help
Have you ever picked the “wrong” line at the grocery store? The line that moves so unbelievably slow that you contemplate switching to another cashier, but also feel somewhat pot committed to staying in the current line you’re in?
Quantum Flirts
As described by Arnold Mindell, a quantum flirt is “a short-lived, transient, perpetual signal which can be used to provide us with insight.” A flirt from the universe can come in any form—we can see them, hear them, feel, smell or taste them. These quantum flirts with the universe happen throughout our daily lives, like a gentle nudge meant to catch our attention, so that we can actually observe and notice whatever meaning that may hold for us.

Confronting Fear
To confront our fear, we first need to understand what fear really is. Fear is an emotion that is extremely important to the human mind, similar to the way pain is for the physical body. But there’s another kind of fear, and that fear comes from knowledge that we learned from our parents, from society, about what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong. We became afraid of being punished, or of not getting a reward.

Meditation isn’t just for hippies
As a self-proclaimed hippie whoo was born a couple generations too late, OWL be honest here and admit that even this hippie had no place for meditation in her life up until now. Have you ever met a yogi? I rest my case. So many of the meditation coaches and friends I had that were “super into mindfulness,” didn’t appear to have any magic secret ingredient that I was willing to try. Meditation was for the monks, the buddhists, and many other people whoo weren’t me.

Leadership lessons I learned living without a cell phone for a week…
As an elder millennial, I can still recall the days when email wasn’t attached to my phone, and internet was something you purchased in gigabytes or something like that. So when I accidentally dropped my phone on the street and came back 30 minutes later to find the screen and camera lens shattered after I don’t know how many cars ran it over, I was perfectly fine with going off the grid for a few days while I waited for my Apple genius bar appointment to determine whether or not my phone was toast.

What to expect after 30 days of coaching.
The world is waiting for you to share your superpowers, and when you finally do, you can almost feel the earth move as it redirects you to where you were always destined to go. Now I’m not saying the pandemic is a direct result of me hiring a life coach in February…but I will attest this shift in the world opened up room for me to laugh with my new love, learn at ALL the coaching schools, and get empowered to provide professional coaching that evokes transformation…