My Life’s Work

I believe the work of Richard Rudd and Gene Keys (17.5) sums up my life’s work (what I’m here to overcome) perfectly—my life’s work is the root of human suffering—opinions. It is fair to say my life’s work has been shaped by the forming and letting go of opinions, allowing my heart to run the show and truly hear what wisdom lies within the clients I serve.

No one knows how to hold onto an opinion like a cult-like community a la CrossFit (I owned one) or the Christians (I’ve taken a dunk in the water as an adult) and of course my latest cult-like community of Human Design (their opinion is your unique design reveals what’s right for you, which is my favorite of the opinions thus far:), and Co-Active/ICF coaches, all with a vast array of Opinions on what is ‘best practice.’

What I’ve found in doing this ‘work’ of mining all the opinions is inspiration to integrate OWL this learning into the gift of farsightedness, the ability to see the forrest through the trees to predict the future. If you’ve met me, you know I think very differently, and you’ve witnessed my innate ability to pick up on a pattern, disrupt it with a reframe, and create transformational change seemingly overnight. This is my lived experience with Gene Key 17.5 as my Life’s Work, My Conscious Sun at the time I was born.

Gene Key 17.5

Your Life's Work is to consistently exercise your mind. You have an extraordinary mental capability that involves grasping the underlying structural principles of any field you enter, from running a family to mastering economics. Therefore, the first thing you have to do is free your mind from the responsibility of running your life. That is the job of your heart, and your mind is here to serve your heart. Once your mind is free from worrying about your life, its higher gifts will become apparent. You have a knack for organisation which makes you a much sought after commodity. Whereas most people can generally see only what is in front of them, your mind can see and put into words a far bigger picture. Your life's work is ultimately destined to be of service to some higher goal. The worst thing you can do is compromise such a sensitive gift and spend your life buried away in some backwater. You are here to make the world a better place.

My life’s work at its highest expressions, is all-knowing—omnisciencewhich is evident in my podcast introduction ‘rules’ that perfectly sum up my life’s work (see below). Did I know OWL of this was written in my Gene Keys in January 2020 when I launched, nope! When I say this is my life’s work, it’s because I have lived an entire life radiating this out into the world. To see the story told in my Gene Keys just gives me more permission to be intentionally more of my radiant self.

Prior to Gene Keys, it would have felt a bit bold of me to just tell people I’m brilliant, with a gift for words that ‘disrupt what needs to shift and change for the better,’ and a ability to hear your heart. I suppose it also helps that I see it in my day-to-day interactions with strangers and clients alike: “I feel like you are a fortune teller telling me about my life and I just met you,” or “I feel like you just read my soul,” or my personal favorite (because it’s true for me too) “My experience with you has been life-changing.”

I can’t help but laugh when I hear this. It’s my soul’s way of agreeing with you. This ‘hearing your heart’ gift is my Vocation in Gene Keys. People tell me their secrets, whether consciously or not, I hear them, and simply by being me I create the container that allows for them to be stored safely away, to be shared anonymously and only if in service of another.

The Evolution of my Life’s Work according to Gene Keys (18.5), is the ‘programming partner’ to my gifts of pattern recognition and seeing into future (17.5). This Evolution (what I am here to learn) is the gift of integrity and perfection, which is accompanied by the Shadow of Judgement. I have had quite the life experience learning to “judge with my heart, so that I may serve the whole in the spirit of truth and compassion.”

Gene Key 18.5 Evolution

If the 18th Gift drives your evolution, you had better be careful in your relationships! If you sacrifice your integrity out of fear that you can't do any better, you will suffer a great deal. Relationships are your great teacher. You have to learn to balance your need for perfection with the realities of the world. You cannot achieve your aims in life without people that you trust and who respect you. Your yardstick in life is always to make sure that you expect more of yourself than you do of others. That will be the mark of your integrity. The other great lesson for you is to see others and their actions at an impersonal level. If you take anything personally, your frequency will drop and you will only create havoc.

The Outstanding Women Leaders (OWL) podcast is my Life’s Work and Evolution in action! A living example of what it looks like to just live my life serendipitously or perhaps synchronistically, as if it was all according to some divine plan wrapped up in my own free will…at least that’s my current opinion today :)

My Life’s Work at OWL podcast

1) These words are exactly what they need to be in this moment in time. We do not edit here at OWL podcast.
I truly believe this statement, even when my ego doesn’t. In my coaching sessions, interactions, and podcast I embrace that whoo I am has always been and will always be enough.

And upon further reflection, it appears my podcast is of the utmost integrity and perfection I can possibly achieve, as I cared less about learning technology (thanks ADHD!) than I do about someone listening to me say something I would later change my mind on…somehow this is not translating to my writing. Perhaps if I didn’t have a back button and an eraser at my fingertips I could learn to live with imperfections in my writing….stay tuned y’all!

2) Nobody gets to be right.
Listening to learn is a skill I’ve developed over the years. My favorite part of sharing women’s stories and hearing their opinions is that I don’t have to agree with them! Or disagree with them. They can just be as they are, perfectly imperfect ideas to inspire your soul!

This also really takes the pressure off for having to be right myself! People evolve and change. This is the permission I give myself and my guest.

3) Nobody gets to be wrong.

In the words of The Beatles, Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong. And if that doesn’t sum up how I’ve always felt inside, well I don’t know what does. The song goes on to encourage everyone to Come together, right now. It is that Oneness, the deep understanding that we are all energetically connected—this is what it means to BE omniscience—to know that everything is perfect just as it is, and yet

More importantly, I begin each episode sharing my mission to host 100 million witty and wise conversations that inspire you, disrupt the way you think, and stir your soul into action! It was estimated that 4% of the world will find their way to Human Design + Gene Keys. My mission is to raise that collective 1%, which is technically like 92 million so in pure Katie fashion, I’m reaching for the moon knowing either way, OWL still be soaring alongside the stars.

I know the world is perfect as it is, nothing needs to be improved, yet I am driven to improve myself and the world until the day I die. This is my life’s work and evolution, written in the stars a la Gene Keys + Human Design and literally written in my podcast script as I lived out my role without knowing the plan He made for me.

Ready to learn more about your life’s work and what you are here to learn? Click the link below and lets play!

Katie L. Eades

Katie is a 5/1 Sacral Generator designed to disrupt things that need to shift and change for the better. A calm lake in the midst of chaos, Katie is your witty and wise strategic partner for OWL things leadership, relationships, and life.

The Aligned 5/1 Profile


The Magic of Synchronicity…