Get Right With Your Soul…

When I asked myself what theme song I wanted for my Parliament meeting today, what musical message I would offer…I could not have been more surprised what random lyrics immediately drove right into my brain…

Get right with my soul…(Insert Rodney Atkins song Take a Back Road here)

I knew instantly this was the learning I wanted to leave y’all with as I embrace my 41st year living on the 3rd rock from the sun. As I googled the only part of the lyrics I could remember it started coming back to me…

Then like a memory from your grandpa’s attic a song comes slippin’ through the static, Changing my mood, A little George Strait 1982! Makes me wanna take the back road. Makes me wanna take the long way home…get lost and get right with my soulllll makes me wanna take a back road…

Music and movement OWLways help you ‘get right with your soul’ on an energetic level. It’s science. And spirituality. Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but it can get stuck, i.e. gravity and earth. But I digress. Music shifts energy—no actual humans or coaching required! Letting the radio speak straight to my soul is OWL the divine inspiration I love to use when I need to shake things up and feel into what is fully aligned with soul…this is why music is my favorite personal coaching tool. Music, nature, and new environments is your secret sauce for soul-aligning success!

Maybe its the feeling, maybe its the freedom…maybe its the shady spot where things get hot…

When you take the back roads in life you find that ‘shady spot where things get hot’ (stay with me for this metaphor) the shady spot where your soul parks itself and whispers through synchronicity, this way…this is the way to go…let yourself be surprised as it continues to unfold…see this little synchronicities you called a coincidences here, here, and there illuminating your path as you go? You can trust them your soul whispers…

As I celebrate full alignment with my soul today, I’m feeling OWLfully grateful for OWL of you souls that soak up my SOULutions and SOAR into life fully trusting yourself, and laughing as you learn along the way.

If the last time you failed at something was really, really challenging, I have news for you…every future perceived failure will still feel challenging and uncomfortable…it’s why my secret sauce includes levity, laughter, and the love of learning to turn your struggles into stories that inspire and spark transformation similar souls.

This is what the Parliament of Powerful Peers is OWL about—learning and laughing from strangers with struggles that may or may not be similar to yours—and of course helping you ‘get back to your soul.’ Nothing is wrong with it that requires ‘righting’ if you’re in this Parliament—OWL you need is to LOVE—love of being alive and ideally some motivation to do things differently and experiment!

You are your greatest muse. If you’re needing a little additional inspiration to get back to your soul today, check out the song that really captures my core essence (opinions!) and/or read about it here. OWL give you a hint…does anybody really care what time it is…time is but a construct.

Katie L. Eades

Katie is a 5/1 Sacral Generator designed to disrupt things that need to shift and change for the better. A calm lake in the midst of chaos, Katie is your witty and wise strategic partner for OWL things leadership, relationships, and life.

The OWL Sanctuary and Retreat Center…


Happy 4th Birthday OWL!