Fall Nashville Retreat

Friday, October 18th - Sunday, October 20th

Join Katie & Leilani for an enriching weekend retreat starting Friday, October 18th, at 4pm through Sunday, October 20, at 12pm. This Nashville retreat is full of learning, play, and magic as we bring together elements of science and spirituality.  Our intention is to hold the mirror to show you your light-filled essence as you get to experience unique and incredibly supportive tools, modalities, and practices that will enrich your life.

Our role as your guides for the weekend is to remind you of your own genius, show you the ways you can more fully and wholly experience life - more authentically and aligned with your Highest Self & Spirit. 

Through the course of the weekend, you will experience a deep open loving community of humans who also desire to have more heart-centered expression, deep healing, and transformative practices and resources that will provide lasting impact for years to come. 

Expect to move through so much - journey through the weekend with an open heart and a curious mind. Allow synchronicities and alignment to unfold naturally. Surrender to what is available for you.

This is your opportunity to say yes to taking a quantum leap into living a more authentic reality. One anchored in truth, clarity, wisdom, joy and authenticity.

You will experience:

  • Amplified Light Energy

  • Deeper trust in Self, Spirit, & the Universe

  • An understanding of your limitless potential

  • Loving community of like-minded humans on their own paths of spiritual and personal evolutionary growth

  • Tangible practices and tools you can take with you and utilize in your daily life

A unique blend of various modalities & practices used and weaved in and throughout our time together includes: 

  • Akashic Records

  • Human Design 

  • Gene Keys

  • HeartMath Science

  • Light Language

  • Spiritual ceremonies

  • Healing Transmissions

  • Clearing & Grounding Practices

Through an incredible weekend in Alchemy: Science & the Soul in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, you will have a beautiful opportunity to express ALL that you are, have a deep understanding of where you are and the energies you are in, and learn to trust in the magic of all that available for you (both the seen and unseen).

The truth is; the magic is already within you. It’s time to shine your essence fully and allow it to show you the way forward!

Learn more…

Click the video to learn more about the intentions of the retreat, our hope for those that join us, and what Katie & Leilani want you to take away from Alchemy: Science and the Soul Retreat.


  • With our varied backgrounds and levels of expertise, it brings a very unique blend of learning and healing to the forefront. We are seekers, healers, and teachers and we aim to involve all aspects of these parts of us through this weekend retreat. 

    This isn’t just your normal self-care retreat, nor is it all learning and no play. This is alchemy. We play in the energy of all that is available in science and spirituality!

    Join us in the magic of this fall retreat.

  • Trust in Self, Spirit & Universe

    The resolve to participate actively and joyously in life not just be moving through it trying to survive.

    A new belief that everything in life should be celebrated, especially YOU.

    That spirituality is accessible and always available.

    Ability to know how and when to surrender and allow life to unfold. 

    A new perspective that time is not real - and that it in fact, does serve us.

    A deeper understanding that science is deeply rooted and connected to spirituality.

    And so so much more!

  • We begin our journey together on Friday, October 18th at 4PM CST and end on Sunday by 12PM CST

  • Weekend accommodations in a beautiful Airbnb located in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee. Friday night dinner, Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Sunday breakfast. As well as snacks and refreshments.

  • Airfare and transportation to and from the Airbnb/Airport is not included.

    For those who will be hanging around a bit longer and have time before you return, there is an option to join us for lunch after the completion of the retreat. Lunch is not included in the price. Let us know if you plan to join and we will include you in the reservation.

  • All accommodations are shared, with the exception of the (1) private room available for purchase on a first come, first serve basis.

  • Retreat Deposit is nonrefundable at $625

    Remaining payment to be made 2 weeks prior (October 4, 2024).

    After October 4, 2024, cancellations with partial refunds will not be honored.

    Your spot at the retreat can be transferred to another individual upon written approval from Katie & Leilani.

    Retreat fees can not be deferred to any other future classes, programs, or retreats.

    When you register for the retreat and commit to a payment plan, all payments are to be made at that time.

Get To Know Your Guides

  • Katie L. Eades

    As a fully healed adult, Katie's life’s work is to serve as a masterful truth-teller, helping you liberate your soul and awaken your inner authority, so you can fully enjoy your life, and pass it on to owl those around you.

    Her vision is to restore work/play balance and bring a new science of mental healing into the world.

    At her core, Katie believes integrating science and spirituality restores the soul and transforms the way you live life!

  • Leilani Lucero

    Leilani is an International Mystic, a Master Akashic Records Practitioner, Energy Healer, and Spiritual Teacher. 

    She guides others to heal, see their raw truth, claim their power, and find the inspiration and clarity they need to create divinely guided magical possibilities in life. 

    At her core, Leilani believes that, in aligning with our highest selves, we can heal and make better conscious choices that lead to an extraordinary life