A Sneak Peek at my Tiny Book!

This is the most impactful book you will ever read, in part because you will actually finish reading it, more importantly, you will actually practice what you learn and see immediate transformation in your leadership, relationships, and life. Every individual is the exception to the rule, so by all means, if this book doesn’t spark your soul into immediate action, sell it on ebay and be a part of someone’s transformational journey. 

For OWL the rest of you whoo are ready to SOAR into this book and transform the way  you think about leadership, relationships, and life, y’all are in for a FUN, funny, and radically different and soulful journey of personal and professional development. If you’re looking for more inspiring women and knowledge to experiment with, check out the Outstanding Women Leaders (OWL) podcast on Apple, Podbean, Google Chrome. At the end of each podcast I ask each guest 3 powerful questions. If you’ve tuned in before, you know what they are, and even if you have, you’ve never heard my answers…until now.

Thank you for “tuning in” via book today. OWL see you in Chapter 1: Finding your superpowers, purpose, and what’s next for you. But first, my 3 questions…

#1 What is your Superpower? My Superpowers, according to my unique Human Design and Gene Keys, are vast and all-knowing, with the gift of disrupting things that need to shift and change for the better and liberate your inner truth along the way. Simply by being me, I empower people to love themselves and to follow their own unique path in life. I am enough–so are you. Designed to empower self love, independence, and self-reliance, my superpower is empowering you to live as your true self, present in each moment, singing your true song. Can I get a Hallelujah! Can I get an Amen (Insert Maren Morris song, My Church here)

My superpowers also include getting intuitive hits through music and metaphors. Yea I guess that’s my Church (See what I did there? If you know the song it makes sense). That brings me to my last superpower worth mentioning here, I love and embrace the extremes of my own rhythms, so that I’m capable of accepting other people’s extremes without judgment, thereby bringing diversity into the flow of life. I’m here to help you BE empowered to let your water flow, surrender, and enjoy the process. 

#2 What is your purpose? My Purpose in writing this book is in part to fulfill my own life-long dream of being a published author, more importantly it is driven because you asked me to write one! In all my years of wanting to be a stand up comedian and actually performing stand up, not one person ever said to me, you know, you should do stand up. Sure they told me I was hilarious, if you’ve met me, you know. If you’ve been lucky enough to break bread with me and drink wine, well then you REALLY know, but I digress. You, my fabulous clients willing to do the work, are my ‘why’ for writing books. My purpose in writing this specific book at this very moment in time, is to bring OWL the knowledge I’ve acquired living my Human Design for you to experiment with in your own life, keeping it sweet and simple (KISS) solutions to Becoming Yourself–an impactful leader, life partner, and soul that loves life! 

#3 What’s next? What’s Next for me is to continue practicing being a profound and empowering example of self love and living a fully individuated, authentic life. And to continue my mission of hosting 100 million witty and wise conversations that inspire others with my unique insights, offering people the potential to see life in a completely new way. According to my Gene Keys, it would be a great travesty for the world if I remained in “some backwater somewhere…” so I suppose what else is next is disrupting the ‘thought leader’ industry and reminding people to BE inspired and DO the thinking themselves. 

I always give my guests the last word, so OWL leave you with a few quotes for inspiring your own thoughts. 

William Bennis “Becoming a Leader is Synonymous with Becoming Yourself”

Richard Rudd “True awakening through surrender is not a commitment to becoming something, it is a commitment to becoming yourself.” 

Katie L. Eades “Less theory, more awareness–awareness of soul, heart, body, and mind.”

While you wait for the rest of the book to be inspired and written, consider what your superpowers are, what your purpose on earth is, and what could possibly be next for you! -Katie L.Eades


Chapter 1: What’s your Superpower? Purpose? What’s Next?
Homework Assignment: Surrender; And commit to practicing being yourself

“True awakening through surrender is not a commitment to becoming something, it is a commitment to becoming yourself.” -Richard Rudd

In 2019 I started asking all the strangers the universe sent my way via bars and public places what their superpower was, mostly to be met with blank stares or a laugh followed by a “what an interesting question, I’ve never been asked that before?!” Overnight and by instincts alone, my market research for a business I had not yet dreamed of had ‘accidentally’ begun, and it was OWLstandingly insightful! The difference between asking someone what their strength is vs their superpower is like getting a contrast between the right brain imagination and a potentially soulful response vs the left brain recall and an almost always logical explanation. 

For those with soulful superpower answers, answers that required a search within the soul to provide, I almost instantly hit it off and had a new friend! I suppose I’m also revealing my own superpower here, the ability to captivate an audience and ‘hold court’ as I like to call it, and use my gift of hearing another’s heart to create almost instantaneous trust and a safe container to share honestly and help liberate people from their not-self. 

But here’s the thing about all these superpowers, I was OBLIVIOUS to them! Okay, maybe ‘oblivious’ is a bit discrediting to myself. More like I was somewhat aware of this impact I could have on people, but I wasn’t sure exactly what was happening, why or how to assess that inner knowing…I guess you could say I was ‘in my head’ too much. I would argue we all are, even those that appear to not suffer from anxiety and ruminating thoughts, even those leaders aren’t fully connected to their breath during meetings, and although they’re very aware of their strengths and weaknesses, those elusive superpowers that we all possess do not live in our head-brain. Your superpowers live in your body and are accessed through your heart-brain (40,000 neurons in there that think, feel, remember independently of the head-brain), gut-brain (even more of those neurons here releasing Serotonin), and intuition (your soul knows the way).

Katie L. Eades

Katie is a 5/1 Sacral Generator designed to disrupt things that need to shift and change for the better. A calm lake in the midst of chaos, Katie is your witty and wise strategic partner for OWL things leadership, relationships, and life.


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