Love, leadership, and risky business
My blog is an intimate way for me to share my unique struggles and lessons learned in my pursuit of love, leadership, and taking OWL the risks! Writing is a way for me to process OWL the information I take in each week, and an opportunity for me to share my expertise with OWL of you.
As an added bonus, it’s hoo-sterical and very pun-ey!

30 Days of Forgiveness
This is your invitation to practice Forgiveness in a radically different, fun and (hopefully) funny way, that deepens your understanding of what I call your soul’s temperament—What your soul can tolerate, what it can not tolerate, and the gratitude your soul expresses each time you honor it

Meditation isn’t just for hippies
As a self-proclaimed hippie whoo was born a couple generations too late, OWL be honest here and admit that even this hippie had no place for meditation in her life up until now. Have you ever met a yogi? I rest my case. So many of the meditation coaches and friends I had that were “super into mindfulness,” didn’t appear to have any magic secret ingredient that I was willing to try. Meditation was for the monks, the buddhists, and many other people whoo weren’t me.

Leadership lessons I learned living without a cell phone for a week…
As an elder millennial, I can still recall the days when email wasn’t attached to my phone, and internet was something you purchased in gigabytes or something like that. So when I accidentally dropped my phone on the street and came back 30 minutes later to find the screen and camera lens shattered after I don’t know how many cars ran it over, I was perfectly fine with going off the grid for a few days while I waited for my Apple genius bar appointment to determine whether or not my phone was toast.

The ‘marshmallow test’ business leaders keep failing.
Nothing feels better to a new business leader than their first taste of success. Your body can’t help but produce and energy and excitement around you!

It’s 2am I must be tired…
That’s right, it’s 2:00am and I’m not sleeping, so clearly I must be tired. To the dude who sang about being lonely at 3am, perhaps it’s because you were the asshole that blasted techno music, got drunk and fought with your girl at 2am. No, this isn’t a story about me and Dan (he’s adorably sleeping right now)…

These are my confessions…part II
So confession, today’s devotional and gratitude journal was based on my reading from (see below, FYI I’m an Aries).
Be willing to assess or reassess your determination levels where a goal close to your heart is concerned. You've invested time, energy, and faith in a cause or pursuit of some kind. You might also wonder what your investment of each has brought you…

It’s a lot when you think about it. But not really.
A year can feel like a long time, but in the context of a lifetime already lived, it’s really not that long. A decade is a long time when you step back and think about it. But not really. Just ask anyone who’s lived several decades. Year 0-10, total blur.

Don't rock the boat...
For those of you singing along to this tune, I’d like to know where you got the notion to rock the boat baby? As the song says, our love is like a ship on the ocean…and we’ve been sailing with a cargo full of love and devotion… So I’d like to know where you got the notion…
I have questions…
Who are you? Like really, deep down inside, whoo are you? What do you value in your life? What values in your relationships, in your physical environment, in your work?
You gotta have faith
Before this river becomes an ocean, you gotta have faith. But why faith? When George was asked precisely that question, his response sums up exactly how Kristen and I feel about faith. It represents the way I feel at the moment. It's kind of another word for my hope and optimism.

What’s fear got to do, got to do with it?
My girl Tina was right. Second-hand emotions have nothing to do with it. But sometimes everything to do with what’s standing in your way. Fear is a second-hand emotion. Fear stops you dead in tracks, it’s what it was programmed to do.
Grateful for you
Today I’m feeling grateful for you. If you’re reading this right now, I’m grateful that the universe has brought you into my life. As I sit here reflecting on all the humans I’ve encountered on along the way, I’m grateful for every one of you. Whether it was a reason, a season, or just plain old fashion luck that our paths crossed, I’m grateful for the impact you’ve made on my life.
Nevertheless she persisted
Today, I’m grateful that I didn’t give up after my mental breakdown. I’m grateful for all the Outstanding Women Leaders out there that refused to give up when life got hard. You inspire me daily. I’m also grateful for all the outstanding male leaders out that support us along the way.
Right where I need to be
Nothing humbles a human quite like failure. It reminds you whoo is in charge. And it brings you right where you need to be; a street called humility.
Grateful for grief
Today I’m feeling grateful I’m no longer riding the stages of grief wave.
Quarantined and Crushing It!
I don’t mean to brag, but I’m currently having a really proud Katie moment so I’m going to anyway. Plus, I just coached a client on the importance of self-love, so time to practice what I preach. But also, did I mention that I’m fucking crushing it right now?!
What are you grateful for today?
Today I’m grateful for another day of waking up next to the man who makes the miles of shit I Shaw-shanked my way through to meet him all worth it. Today I’m grateful I honored my commitment to write and share my gratitude with the world.