Love, leadership, and risky business
My blog is an intimate way for me to share my unique struggles and lessons learned in my pursuit of love, leadership, and taking OWL the risks! Writing is a way for me to process OWL the information I take in each week, and an opportunity for me to share my expertise with OWL of you.
As an added bonus, it’s hoo-sterical and very pun-ey!

Procrastination is my stress reliever.
“Procrastination is a form of stress relief.” - Mel Robbins
In fact, it’s how a lot of people relieve stress when they’re feeling overwhelmed. Mom’s dead, dad’s gay now, I’m stilly funny, but it’s been a bit overwhelming at times.

Almost perfect
“Perfection is the enemy of action.” -Ashley Stahl
I was raised to be a good girl. Perfectionism was desired. Mistakes were often met with parental disappointment and internal feelings of shame and guilt.

Don't rock the boat...
For those of you singing along to this tune, I’d like to know where you got the notion to rock the boat baby? As the song says, our love is like a ship on the ocean…and we’ve been sailing with a cargo full of love and devotion… So I’d like to know where you got the notion…
Where are you?
It’s 2023, where are you? What time do you wake up? What is the first thing you do? When you look at your calendar, what’s on your schedule? Who is around you? It’s Monday, where do you go? What do you see when you step outside and look around?
I have questions…
Who are you? Like really, deep down inside, whoo are you? What do you value in your life? What values in your relationships, in your physical environment, in your work?
The best version of you.
What if I told you that you are already the best version of you? Yes, you, the human sitting on the couch eating potato chips, watching Netflix and scrolling on Facebook. Naturally resourceful, creative, and whole, you are equipped with all you need.