Love, leadership, and risky business
My blog is an intimate way for me to share my unique struggles and lessons learned in my pursuit of love, leadership, and taking OWL the risks! Writing is a way for me to process OWL the information I take in each week, and an opportunity for me to share my expertise with OWL of you.
As an added bonus, it’s hoo-sterical and very pun-ey!

Don't rock the boat...
For those of you singing along to this tune, I’d like to know where you got the notion to rock the boat baby? As the song says, our love is like a ship on the ocean…and we’ve been sailing with a cargo full of love and devotion… So I’d like to know where you got the notion…
It’s too late to turn back now…
If you read the title and get the song reference, you're my kind of people. And if you went back and reread it and got it, you now know what this blog is about.
Online Dating is so 2010s
That's right. I've officially broken up with all the dating apps. Like a bad relationship that lasted a year too long, it was still worth it. Have you read my blog?
Call Me Old Fashion
I get that it is 2019 and people are having sex and eating ass on a first date these days, but this old fashioned midwest maiden doesn't even like to kiss on a first date.
This Is Why I Can’t Be Left Alone At A Bar
Okay, so I'll be honest here. This title is a bit misleading. There are a plethora of reasons why I shouldn't be left alone to my own devices that I am not going to mention.
My Failed Pickup Lines
Alright guys, so I know this is going to come as a shock to some of you, but I have terrible pick up lines that fail miserably over the years. And yet, I still keep trying...I blame my dad mostly.

What do you want in a man?
Sometimes these dudes on dating apps ask some pretty decent questions. And this one in particular made me go hmmmm....What do I want in a man?