It’s a lot when you think about it. But not really.

Today’s post is inspired by my brilliant and adorable boyfriend Dan, whoo was apparently channeling his inner Yogi Bera when he made this profound statement. I don’t know what “normal” people pillow talk is like, but ours involves a lot of laughing and occasionally leads to witty and wise blog posts. (Insert back story for context). Dan made the comment that there were only 364 days left to spend with “forty-four-year-old Dan, It’s a lot when you think about it. But not really.”

After we were done laughing at the hilarity of this statement, i.e. after I was done making fun of his yogi-beraism, we started to ponder the brilliance of this statement. A year can feel like a long time, but in the context of a lifetime already lived, it’s really not that long. A decade is a long time when you step back and think about it. But not really. Just ask anyone who’s lived several decades. Year 0-10, total blur. As they say, time flies when you’re having fun. Being a kid was the best! Although math class often felt like it last forrrevveerrr.

Time moves slower than molasses when you aren’t having fun. When you’re going through a tough time, it can feel like forever. Sometimes it can take years to get through it. I can’t prove it, but I’m pretty sure the first 2.5 months after my divorce took at least 5 years off my life. The entire first year was rough. But when you think about it, over the span of an entire lifetime, it’s not really that long. There was much to be grateful for during that first year. In those 2.5 months I spent more time with my family than I had in the last 10 years, and I'm so grateful for all of those moments. It was still a lot when I think about it. But not really…

What feels like a lot when you think about it? What’s preventing you from feeling fulfilled? What feels like it’s taking forever to happen in your life? How long has it been? It’s a lot when you think about it. But not really.

Even in the struggle, there is much to be grateful for; each day is an opportunity to feel fulfilled. What in your life feels good when you think about it? Where do you feel fulfilled right now? What took forever to happen in your life that is finally here? How long did it take? It’s not really a lot, when you think about?

What do you need to express gratitude for today? How can you feel fulfilled today? And most importantly, whoo will laugh with you and all the shit life throws your way?

Sign up for a complimentary coaching session and experience first hand how powerful questions and professional coaching can help you achieve your fulfilled life.

Katie L. Eades

Katie is a 5/1 Sacral Generator designed to disrupt things that need to shift and change for the better. A calm lake in the midst of chaos, Katie is your witty and wise strategic partner for OWL things leadership, relationships, and life.

These are my confessions…part II


Don't rock the boat...