Love, leadership, and risky business
My blog is an intimate way for me to share my unique struggles and lessons learned in my pursuit of love, leadership, and taking OWL the risks! Writing is a way for me to process OWL the information I take in each week, and an opportunity for me to share my expertise with OWL of you.
As an added bonus, it’s hoo-sterical and very pun-ey!

My First Sound Bath Experience
Action speak louder than words—at some point during the sound bath, I no longer saw darkness while my eyes were closed. Instead I saw a bright, bright light, so bright it was yellow on the edges…

30 Days of Forgiveness
This is your invitation to practice Forgiveness in a radically different, fun and (hopefully) funny way, that deepens your understanding of what I call your soul’s temperament—What your soul can tolerate, what it can not tolerate, and the gratitude your soul expresses each time you honor it
Witty & Wise in Tennessee
There’s something magical that happens when you shake up your environment, almost like it gives you permission to let go of your old stories and perceived failures, so that you can authentically own your strengths and successes.

Free your Mind and the Rest will Follow
What would it be like to free your mind from all that it currently knows and remove the ‘color-tinted glasses’ created by the brain’s fight or flight response in order to keep you ‘safe’ from danger?

Confronting Fear
To confront our fear, we first need to understand what fear really is. Fear is an emotion that is extremely important to the human mind, similar to the way pain is for the physical body. But there’s another kind of fear, and that fear comes from knowledge that we learned from our parents, from society, about what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong. We became afraid of being punished, or of not getting a reward.

Procrastination is my stress reliever.
“Procrastination is a form of stress relief.” - Mel Robbins
In fact, it’s how a lot of people relieve stress when they’re feeling overwhelmed. Mom’s dead, dad’s gay now, I’m stilly funny, but it’s been a bit overwhelming at times.

How Many Times Can A Person Hit Rock Bottom? -Asking For A Friend.
Okay fine. I'm the friend. Judge away, as one will do. I'm probably just being overly dramatic and having a hard day. Don't worry, I'm sure only 1 in 4 people that have these thoughts actually commit suicide
Mom’s Dead. Dad’s Gay. I’m Still Funny.
Not only a true story, but also an excellent title for my Netflix comedy special. Ya hear that powers that be at Netflix!
It's Mother's Day and I don't have a Mom to celebrate with
So, it's Mother's Day and I don't have a mother to celebrate with...on the plus side, If I know my mom, she's out there in the universe trying to find me a potential suitor.

Electronics are hard...
I am that person. My phone is always dying and my apple watch status is somewhere between charged and this will die before the end of the day.

Life is short. P.S. I love you mom
At 7:25am on Monday, June 3, 2018, I received a phone call from the hospital informing me my mother has gone into cardiac arrest and I needed to get there as soon as possible. My heart sank. Time froze. My mom was in a hospital in Iowa and I was in New one could reach my dad on the phone.

All things considered
"How are you doing....all things considered?" Is probably my favorite condolence. It makes me smile and think of NPR's All Things Considered voice. And to be honest, all things considered, I am doing alright.

Top 5 trips of a lifetime
Abbey Road, Iceland, Wounded Knee, the list of trips and falls goes on!

Why are keys so hard?
The struggle is real. Keys..can't live with them, heard people take your shit if you choose to live without them.