Love, leadership, and risky business
My blog is an intimate way for me to share my unique struggles and lessons learned in my pursuit of love, leadership, and taking OWL the risks! Writing is a way for me to process OWL the information I take in each week, and an opportunity for me to share my expertise with OWL of you.
As an added bonus, it’s hoo-sterical and very pun-ey!

Building Your Business by Human Design
The number one mistake I see new entrepreneurs make is creating complexity from the beginning. What if, you just built a business that didn’t include things you don’t want to do!?

A Sneak Peek at my Tiny Book!
My Superpowers, according to my unique Human Design and Gene Keys, are vast and all-knowing, with the gift of disrupting things that need to shift and change for the better and liberate your inner truth along the way. Simply by being me, I empower people to love themselves and to follow their own unique path in life. I am enough–so are you.

Leadership lessons I learned living without a cell phone for a week…
As an elder millennial, I can still recall the days when email wasn’t attached to my phone, and internet was something you purchased in gigabytes or something like that. So when I accidentally dropped my phone on the street and came back 30 minutes later to find the screen and camera lens shattered after I don’t know how many cars ran it over, I was perfectly fine with going off the grid for a few days while I waited for my Apple genius bar appointment to determine whether or not my phone was toast.