You want to reinvent your career, now what?

I remember very vividly the moment I realized I couldn’t be a teacher anymore. My values no longer aligned with the profession I loved so dearly. It was time for me to get ready to move on. I promised myself early in my career that I wouldn’t become the bitter old teacher just waiting to retire. So I positioned myself to quit. Took a leap of faith and SOARED into my next career as an entrepreneur and CrossFit gym owner.

If you are not currently satisfied by your career, and ready to take that first step, start by committing some of your precious energy to a personally satisfying hobby to remind yourself what it feels like to use your energy in a way that lights you up. Rather than feel “pushed out” of your career, allow yourself to be “pulled in” to what was always meant for you. A few things to remember:

  • The more you use your energy each day in ways that excite you, the more aligned opportunities will show up in your world.

  • While you are waiting for an opportunity that excites you, use your energy in a way that you enjoy each day. The more satisfied you are in how you use your energy each day, the more magnetic you will be to aligned opportunities

  • The path to landing your new career is meant to feel just as satisfying, successful and peaceful as your new career will be. Stay present, connect with joy in your day-to-day moments and take time to reconnect to your inner peace, satisfaction and success throughout the day.

Transition demands transformation. And I whole-heartedly believe transformation should be fun! I had a blast losing 60lbs at a CrossFit gym because suddenly had new best friends, I physically felt better (goodbye IBS, acne, and bloating) and I continued to be amazed and how much stronger I was getting and all the new muscles I was building. My transformation at the gym was the best hour of my day.

What will you commit to doing that will be the best hour of your day? week? month? And most importantly, whoo will help hold you accountable? Is it me?

Katie L. Eades

Katie is a 5/1 Sacral Generator designed to disrupt things that need to shift and change for the better. A calm lake in the midst of chaos, Katie is your witty and wise strategic partner for OWL things leadership, relationships, and life.

Healing Emotional Wounds


I want to break free…