Love is patient…

Love is incredibly patient and kind, but don’t take my word for it, just consult the Bible. Or my future favorite husband, Dan. He waited 43.75 years to meet me, and in just 3 short weeks he will move into a home with the woman he loves, for the very first time ever.

Love isn’t too patient though, he did ask me to move in a week after our first kiss, which was about 6 dates or 1 month and 1 week into our relationship. I suppose when you’ve been patiently waiting to meet “the one,” when you find her, you get a little excited.

Six months and a pandemic later the boxes are packed, and I still can’t believe this man resided on the same street in Hoboken where I launched my third career. What are the odds that just one short block away from where I worked, this man who I had not yet crossed paths with, was working and waiting for me to walk into his life?

Life…it’s literally what you make it. Despite what someone else says about your current situation or circumstances. It’s funny the way it is, when you think about it (insert Dave Matthews song and my propensity for breaking out into song here).

Patience…so much patience. And kindness. These are the core ingredients for love. Love is patient. Dan waited 43.75 years to meet me, and one month (six dates) before he kissed me. If you’ve met this man, you already know how incredibly kind he really is. Just ask the 6 stray cats he fed last night.... (insert worried face emoji here).

Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not envy or boast. Regardless of what you think of the Bible or Paul’s letters to the Corinthians, as a woman who’s gotten love wrong, I can absolutely attest to that when you get it right, he/she will be patient and kind, they will not envy or boast. Together, you will delight in all the universe has given you, and look forward to a lifetime of love and fulfillment.

Fulfillment—this doesn’t mean your path isn’t riddled with potholes and roadblocks, rather fulfillment is about enjoying dodging the potholes together, and laughing when life hands you a roadblock to tackle. The dualities of life—Murphy’s Law— they require us to ‘be with’ things that are hard and uncomfortable. Love conquers all…which means you have to ‘love’ all things that are hard and uncomfortable, so that you don’t have to ‘be with it’ anymore.

The good, the bad, and the ugly. That Jesus guy in the Bible talked a whole lot about God loving you just the way you are. Jesus loved the woman at the well and spent a great deal of time in the company of that alleged whore Mary, and He loved all of them. At least that’s what the man holding the pen said Jesus did.

Enough about God, let’s talk about you. What is your current ‘relationship’ with patience? Kindness? How are patient and kind with yourself? ‘Love’ is patient and kind.

What do you need to ‘love’ about yourself, i.e. be patient and kind with, so that you can ‘love’ others? What do you need to ‘love’ about your colleagues, friends, and family, so that you can ‘love’ yourself? Most importantly, whoo will call you out on your bullshi#t, coach you along the way, and hold you accountable to loving, leading, and feeling fulfilled in life?

Is it me? Schedule your complimentary leadership and relationship evaluation call and start giving a hoot about you, and humor too! As a bonus, OWL be witty and wise on our call.

Katie L. Eades

Katie is a 5/1 Sacral Generator designed to disrupt things that need to shift and change for the better. A calm lake in the midst of chaos, Katie is your witty and wise strategic partner for OWL things leadership, relationships, and life.

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