Rewrite Your Story with Communication
Could your Story with Communication use a Rewrite? If you had a magic wand that you could wave around and Rewrite Your Story, what would you ‘have’ that you don’t have now? What are you ‘doing’ differently? More importantly, whoo is soaring alongside you? Is it me? Let’s find out!
Check out a brief overview of topics covered in Katie’s Classroom this month (see below), and claim your FREE 60 minute coaching session + weekly LIVE Check-Ins with Coach Katie (that’s me!) and the OWL-standing community!
January’s Classroom Focus: The 3 C’s
GOALwork this month - Communication
The most important part of Communication is Listening and whoo you are BEing as you listen.
You are an inherently bad listener, AND you an inherently good learner and laugher, which is good news because learning is tough, just ask any kid working on math homework right now or trying to learn to learn a new language. Those whoo develop the ability to hold two opposing views at the same time, those people are good listeners AND good learners.
The goal of communication is reaching an alignment on what is actually important.
SOULwork this month - Consciousness
Whoo are you and whoo to you want to BE; your behaviors, your values, your brain’s values, your human design
Where are you and where do you want to BE; spiritually, emotionally, physically, etc.?
Are you conscious of the everyday miracles OWL around you?
Leadership Quest this month - Challenging Conversations
What’s your ‘attitude’ towards Challenging Conversations?
What does it look like to ‘prepare your heartmind’ for uncomfortable conversations?
What are you feeling in your body during the discomfort? Observe your thoughts about that feeling. What’s most important here?
Ready to learn the 3 C’s this month with Coach Katie? Check out OWL the resources in Katie’s Classroom for FREE the month of January! Bonus, sign up for the full Rewrite Your Story (button below) and get a FREE individual coaching session!