Bonus Episode - Synchronicity and the 5/1 Sacral Generator Experience with Leilani Lucero

What are the odds Katie went to CTI with a Leilani in 2020 that she thought she started following on instagram, only to discover THIS Leilani went to CTI in 2015 and just so happens to also be a 5/1 Sacral Generator with a wide open solar plexus just like Katie!? In the spiritual world, we call that a synchronicity! Tune in to hear OWL about it and as a bonus, snag your Akashic Record reading with Leilani for just $300 (that's a $144 savings!)

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 Book Your 1st-Time Discounted Session with Leilani and save $94!

Book Your 1st-Time Discounted Session with Katie (Discount code LEI to save $101)


S5 Episode 2 - IO Psych Practitioner Leading Global Talent with Emily Clark


S5 Episode 1 - The Modern Mystic: Akashic Records & Mediumship with Leilani Lucero